.NetSCCMServer 2012 R2

Recently, I deployed a new SCCM 2012 R2 environment on a Server 2012 R2.  Everything was humming along. After finishing the initial configuration of WSUS and the Software Update point I had to reboot the Server for updates.  No problem.  I rebooted the server and then it happened, a service, the net.pipe listener adapter service, failed to start.  Ok, I thought I will just restart it.  After several attempts and a couple of reboots, nothing.  The service would just not start.


I will be honest I have not had this particular issue before.  I was reading a number of forums and tried a couple of dozen ideas, all which did not result in resolving my issue.  My main concern was WSUS, the Application Catalog and other services using IIS were no longer working.  I began to see errors popping up in my new deployment.  I thought now I have to call Microsoft.  I called them and after two hops, we were able to resolve it.  I have posted the solution below.  I hope this helps someone else who is facing the same issue.


Solution:  Go to Add Roles and Features.  Under .Net Framework 4.5 Features> WCF Services, Select All Features; Http Activation, Message Queuing, Named Pipe Activation, TCP Activation, TCP Port Sharing.


After installing these features the Net.Pipe Listener Adapter service started again without issue.

Hope this helps someone else.